Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

islam tecno

Digital Islamization By N Mursidi
Friday, July 8, 2011 Fifteen centuries ago, Prophet. had predicted, that in the end times will occur later events and the events that had never experienced during his life. Apparently, what was said by the Prophet was not missed. Now, we can discover the truth of what the Prophet was in the midst of changing times are happening right now.

Islam does not change and zamanlah undergoing changes. In other words, Islam will never be eroded age. After all, then there is a change, the level of religious people actually happening as a result of the development and advancement of technology. One example, recently witnessed the phenomenon of religiosity which is present in the new faces or other shapes.

If the first, the Muslims need a splash of spirit must painstakingly come to the assembly taklim or recitation. Apparently, the event can now be found in the "new form". Because people can just sit at the computer and live access to the Internet to learn the religion of Islam. Services for people who want to know about Islam, and is now designed in a modern setting as a service mission that can be accessed from the website, homepage or Islamic sites.

Not only that, now attend a religious service or a cellular spiritual information which can be accessed via mobile phone (hp). Thus was born "a set of Islamic services" such as Al-Qur `an mobile, SMS Package Do` a, SMS Package Hadith, MMS Treatise Do `a, and the like. That's some examples of religious service that was initially driven by a Muslim convert named Craig Owensby Abrurrahim as the originator of the Al-Qur `an Cellular.

For Abrurrahim Craig Owensby, the concept of "Al-Qur` an Cellular "is a concept of how people can learn about Al-Qur` an easy and interesting way. This idea arises from a desire to preach and introduce Craig Qur'an to the Muslims en masse.

Services Al-Qur `an Cellular, essentially play reading verses of Al-Qur` an with peeling silver lining briefly for six minutes. The sequence of reading three or more verses of the Qur `an for 1-2 minutes, then followed with a reading of the said paragraph lessons for 2-3 minutes then covered with muratal reading - the reading of verses in the original reading of Al-Qur` an, for two minutes. Thus, each time a service will last about six minutes. In fact, customers can now access the nasyid, as of Aa Gym, Dust, and MQ Voice.

In the presence of spiritual services and information like that, there is at least one of their strong desire to present Islam in a way popular, so both as a doctrine and as a community, Islam can be "accepted" by all people (the people) - especially for the upper class who are preoccupied with world of work and no time to study Islam. In fact, ghirrah to study Islam and were pretty strong in the liver.

From the above phenomenon, at least there are two things to note. First, Islam is a religion that can adjust the times and is not a religion in the past that only embraced by those who passed it. The proof, with the times in the midst of globalization, Islam in the form and face today can be expected to be accepted by all circles and layers. Regardless of the elements of business or the commercialization of religion, at least the sophistication of the technology was not merely a negative dimension, as has been feared by some Muslims.

Second, fenemona on top of that, acknowledged or not-is the birth of the spirit of some people, especially the upper classes to learn Islam in a way easily without the need to feel fear, or shame anymore. For services provided by AQS, for example, it would be one alternative to introduce the beauty of the Qur `an to the public, especially when people are too busy to read and study the Qur` an exclusively by visiting majlis-majlis taklim and the study (mass).


Media propaganda, religious services and spiritual information from digital media, internet and mobile was indeed carrying a plus. Because, make it easy for them - the majority of Muslims - to learn the religion and strengthen faith. Popular, but of course there is another side terkesampingkan.

First, the religiosity of Muslims as a result of technological sophistication that has spawned a digital or cellular forms of spirituality. In other words, religion is present in the form of signs or symbols. Nothing wrong, if later confirmed exclusively religious lifestyle of some Muslims as a result moderniasasi, where individualism becomes the one thing that can not be denied.

Second, the model of Islamic learning through digital media and mobile it at least has become an alternative, though not necessarily make people away from the assembly taklim or recitation. For classical learning how to go kiai or cleric, is not denied a "learning" the most effective. Therefore, the study of religion can not be reached within days, but from birth to death. If that happens, then learning the religion (Islam) in the form it would give birth to a Muslim man can be likened to fruit pickers from the tree of religion with a shortcut.

Recognized or not, that the service of religious or spiritual information it was able to reach certain circles that previously did not know Islam or do not understand Islam in depth. Thus, facilities and ease of course it could be the entrance of a person to embrace Islam kaffah, after a long span of time and length.

If so, the impact of the Islamization of cellular (digital) is something that can not be denied terobasan let alone condemned! ***

The author is an alumnus of Aqidah-Philosophy UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta.

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